The Supercar Spin web show is gathering pace so we thought it needed its own website to stop it from taking over my personal site (this one). It’s called of course!
I put it together over 2 full days using the WordPress web service backend the same which powers this blog, and Brendon helped by making the websites banner image and with the FaceBook integration.
There are blog articles on every show we have made so far and it also includes pages on ‘Supercar spin on the net’ ‘What is Supercar Spin?’ and ‘Contact us’ pages. We have also been busy making dedicated Super Car spin pages on Facebook, iTunes, Twitter and YouTube, all the links are on the ‘Supercar Spin on the net’ page.
On a personal note this might mean there will be slightly less car stuff on my personal blog from now on, that’s a good thing for my family right
Tell me how to contact the author of this article? Thanks in advance!