Japan climbing mt Fuji

it’s time for team Tokyo shot to climb mount fuji



Right off we go!



Using the mules for sure that would be cheating



these were some interesting looking trees they must’ve been windswept from the high mountain winds



do we know which way we are going team tokyo shot could be lost already



mount fuji is of course a volcano so all of the mountainside is made up from ok rock volcanic ash which makes for some interesting climbingimage


sanna buying some supplies from a mountain hut



we were so hi we were level and above of the clouds at this point the oxygen started getting thinner



now we were about 3000 metres and i started to get altitude sickness come on which started with a small headache which got worse as i continued to call to climb



the hi we got up the mountain and closer to the summit the smaller the huts became



when we reached our stop over for the night at just 200 metres short office 3800 metre peak we have a dinner and some hot drinks with all needed a lot of calories



After this point things for me started to get worse my headache got bad from the lack of oxygen from the alitude sickness and i felt like i was drugged. In the morning i decided it was best for me to descend to lower altitude to get more oxygen but the others were going to the summit which was an extra 200 metres.

The weather changed to terrible because of a tornado off the coast. Visibility drop to just 10 metres it was a bad situation. Sanna got split up from the rest of the team and she went down the wrong side of the mountain. I awoke after just half a hours sleep to be told she was on the wrong side of the mountain, i had to run down the mountain quick to help her because she has no money to get out of her situation.

I ran down and got to the bottom to find her, on jy descent I met a new friend called Yuki from northern Japan,  he was great to learn more about culture from him during our run down the mountain and relaxed me from the bad siruation.

Sanna was so happy to see me, the locals gave her dry clothes to use then we found our way back to Tokyo to meet up with the rest of the team Tokyo shot. This all happened so quickly i didnt take any photos of this all. What an adventure maybe not the best mount fuji experience but a real adventure.

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